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Packemon was primarily designed and engineered for building packages. But what is building you ask? Building is the process of parsing, transforming, and bundling a package's source code into distributable and consumable files for npm, using community favorite tools like Babel and Rollup.

With that being said, the build command can be used to build a single package, in the current working directory, according to their configured build targets (platform, formats, etc).

"scripts": {
"build": "packemon build --addEngines"


Build supports the following command line options.

  • --addEngines - Add Node.js engine versions to package.json when platform is node. Uses the support setting to determine the version range.
  • --addExports - Add exports fields to package.json, based on api, bundle, and inputs. This is an experimental Node.js feature and may not work correctly (more information).
  • --addFiles - Add files whitelist entries to package.json.
  • --concurrency - Number of builds to run in parallel. Defaults to operating system CPU count.
  • --declaration - Generate TypeScript declarations for the package.
  • --loadConfigs - Search and load config files for customizing Babel and Rollup.
  • --skipPrivate - Skip private packages from being built.
  • --stamp - Stamp the package.json with a release timestamp.
  • --timeout - Timeout in milliseconds before a build is cancelled. Defaults to no timeout.

All filtering options support standard patterns (foo-*), comma separated lists (foo,bar), or both.

How it works

When the build process is ran, Packemon will find a viable package within the current directry and generate build artifacts. A build artifact is an output file that will be distributed with the npm package, but will not be committed to the project (ideally git ignored).

To demonstrate this, let's assume we have a package with the following folder structure and file contents (not exhaustive).

├── src/
| ├── index.ts
| └── *.ts
├── tests/
├── package.json
"name": "package",
"packemon": {
"inputs": { "index": "src/index.ts" },
"platform": ["node", "browser"],
"format": "esm",
"namespace": "Example"

Based on the package configuration above, our build will target both Node.js and web browsers, while generating multiple index outputs across both platforms. The resulting folder structure will look like the following (when also using --declaration).

├── esm/
| ├── index.d.ts
| └── index.js
├── lib/
| ├── index.d.ts
| └── browser/index.js
| └── node/index.js
├── src/
| ├── index.ts
| └── *.ts
├── tests/
├── package.json

Furthermore, the package.json will automatically be updated with our build artifact entry points and files list, as demonstrated below. This can further be expanded upon using the --addEngines, --addExports, and --addFiles options.

"name": "package",
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"module": "./esm/index.js",
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts",
"files": ["esm/**/*", "lib/**/*", "src/**/*"],
"packemon": {
"inputs": { "index": "src/index.ts" },
"platform": ["node", "browser"],
"format": "esm",
"namespace": "Example"

Amazing, we now have self-contained and tree-shaken build artifacts for consumption. However, to ensure only build artifacts are packaged and distributed to npm, we rely on the package.json files property. Based on the list above, the files published to npm would be the following (pretty much everything except tests).

├── esm/
├── lib/
├── src/
├── package.json

Why are source files published? For source maps! Packemon will always generate source maps for non-node formats, and the src directory is necessary for proper linking.