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The scaffold command is an interactive prompt that scaffolds a project or package from scratch. It creates all the necessary files, folders, and configurations for maintaining an npm package(s). Packages are structured for the browser platform, using the esm format.

The command requires a destination folder param to copy files to. The path is relative to the current working directory.

packemon scaffold .


Scaffold supports the following command line options.

  • --force - Overwrite files that already exist (if running the same command multiple times).
  • --skipInstall - Skip installation of npm dependencies. Defaults to false.
  • --packageManager - Package manager to install dependencies with. Defaults to yarn.
  • --packagesFolder - Folder in which packages will be located (monorepo only). Defaults to packages.
  • --template - Template to select by default.


The following templates can be scaffolded.


Structures a project to be a monorepo of many packages.

  • Creates config files for common developer tools (Babel, ESLint, Vitest, TypeScript, etc), based on moonrepo presets.
  • Creates a packages folder where all packages will exist. Create a package with the monorepo-package template.
  • Configures package.json with pre-defined scripts and Yarn workspaces.
  • Configures tsconfig.json for type-checking and project references.


Creates an npm package within a monorepo's packages folder. Requires monorepo to be scaffolded first!

  • Creates src and tests folders with example TypeScript files.
  • Creates a package.json with information gathered from the prompts.
  • Configures package tsconfig.jsons to use project references.
  • Adds a reference to the root tsconfig.json.


Structures a project to be a polyrepo. Creates a single npm package within the current folder.

  • Creates config files for common developer tools (Babel, ESLint, Vitest, TypeScript, etc), based on moonrepo presets.
  • Creates src and tests folders with example TypeScript files.
  • Creates a package.json with information gathered from the prompts.
  • Configures package.json with pre-defined scripts.
  • Configures tsconfig.json for type-checking.