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Before a package can be published, there are many requirements that should be checked and validated. Does the package have a valid entry point? Does it have a license? Is the package.json configured correctly? So on and so forth.

The validate command does just that and can be used to validate an array of options as a thorough pre-publish step. It accomplishes this by inspecting the package's package.json and build artifacts.

"scripts": {
"validate": "packemon validate"

Any errors found within the validation process will cause a non-zero exit code, while warnings only, or no warnings or errors would cause a zero exit code.


Validate supports the following command line options.

  • --deps - Check that dependencies, peerDependencies, and devDependencies are valid by:
    • Requiring peer deps to have version satisfying dev deps.
    • Disallowing peer and prod deps of the same package.
    • Disallowing file: and link: versions.
  • --engines - Check that the current node, npm, and yarn runtimes (on your host machine) satisfy the configured engines constraint.
  • --entries - Check the main, module, browser, types, typings, bin, and man entry points are valid by:
    • Requiring either main or exports to be configured.
    • Verifying the relative path exists on the file system.
  • --license - Check that license is a valid SPDX license and a LICENSE (or file exists.
  • --links - Check that homepage and bugs links are valid URLs.
  • --meta - Check that name, version, description, and keywords are valid.
  • --people - Check that author and contributors contain a name and optional but valid URL.
  • --repo - Check that repository exists and is a valid URL.
  • --skipPrivate - Skip private packages from being packed.

By default all options are enabled, so you'd need to negate them with --no-* to disable each one (this is not suggested).

packemon validate --no-people